Swahili movie 'MONICA'

The ongoing battle of justice for deserted children in the country was raised earlier in the film 'MONICA' written, produced and directed by Varda Arts. The movie was released in 1998 at the 'Starlight Cinema'. The Chief-guest Hon.Minister Mama Shamim Khan during the screening of the film literally could not hold back her tears viewing Monica struggle with an abandoned child. "You guys made my eyes wet. ." She emotionally said sitting beside me while watching the movie during the premiere show.
Though, at present, movies with social messages are more or less passe. However, Varda Arts belonged to the generation of artistes who tried their hardest to combine entertainment with a purpose either through their music or through their movies. 'MONICA' was highly acclaimed by critics at the ZIFF (Zanzibar International Film Festival) for its meaningful subject which, at one level seemed quite outdated, and at another, relevant in the conservative African and Indian scenario.
Men are hypocrites. On the one hand, we eulogize womankind as being noble and great as the embodiment of motherhood. When we want to give our nation the highest respect, Africans address it as 'Mama Yetu Tanzania' and Indians in India address it as 'Bharat Mata' but in practical life, we always give women the worst possible treatment. They are treated as slaves. Young daughters and children are raped in societies.
Even pet animals get better treatment in many homes. Cases of suicide, bride burning, child abuse, are still rampant in a so-called civilized world. The birth of a girl child is still considered a curse in our families. Why is it so? All these issues have been well scripted and exposed in the movie 'MONICA' that symbolize love, affection and warmth. Women deserve to be respected and put on a pedestal. They have as much right to happiness as any man.
Varda Arts' Swahili movie 'MONICA' was a fight for their rights of happiness.
Tanzania Media Womens Association (TAMWA) highly acknowledged Varda Arts' effort to highlight this issue. They never missed Varda Arts during their campaigns.
Though, the movie 'MONICA' may not be in the same league of contemporary Bongo action movies, but it had its heart in the right place, and even now, it succeeds in reducing audiences to tears.

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